For Companies

For Companies

A team and its leadership can achieve peak performance when they implement secrets of success from top orchestras. It’s about coordination and inspiration, the right balance of awareness and influence, and understanding the common piece and the idea of getting it out there and making an impact.

The triangle of conductor, concertmaster and soloist is an effective field of tension. Distinct personalities fight for the best interpretation of the common piece, in order to then be able to convince orchestra and audience together. An explosive analogy to top teams in the constant proving to the market and the workforce.

The active musical work in our coaching gives immediate feedback about the working and leadership style and shows possibilities to change and improve them.


More insights:

During the session, our orchestra musicians share their tips on networking, among other things – musicians have always been world champions at networking, otherwise they could not have survived.

Guest conductors are traveling interval leaders and have perfected their on-the-fly change technique to this day. It’s all about observing the team, precise preparation, settling into the existing apparatus, and gradual, charming change.


Competence: Lorenz Huber & Anna Barbara Kastelewicz

Coaching and consulting for executives

  • Recognize and improve the effect of one’s own inner attitude on others
  • Recognizing and eliminating contradictions in leadership behavior
  • Convincingly communicate a clear sense of purpose
  • Involve and challenge the entire team


Coaching and consulting on the topic of sales

  • What can you learn from working with opera stars for dealing with “difficult” customers?
  • Learning from stakeholder management in opera operations
  • How can celebrities be integrated into the team?


Coaching und Consulting on the topic of Team building

  • Developing clear, yet flexible roles
  • Promote personal responsibility
  • Allow informal leadership to a limited extent
  • Strengthen cooperation within the company


© Lorenz Huber